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Treatment Programs

IAR Program III: Middle & Late Recovery

Recovery & Learning Relapse Prevention

This program is for those who have been in recovery for 6 months or longer. Studies have found that those with addiction can experience deficits for at least 3 to 6 months after cessation of substance use. These deficits can include impaired decision making and impulse control manifested by difficulties in attending, concentrating, learning new material, remembering things heard or seen, producing words, and integrating visual and motor cues. After a period of recovery clients grow stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. Capacities for emotions and communication skills grow stronger now and emotions such as anger, sadness, grief may now safely rise to the surface but now can be expressed more appropriately.

Those in middle to late recovery may now require more of some services, including group therapy and not as much of other forms of therapy, as they have begun to understand and can communicate their own needs and agenda again.

Confidential, Compassionate Help is Just a Phone Call Away

(508) 366-6044